Talking TB with a 14-year old

Duration: 3min 10sec


Translation: Isifo sephephe siyanyangeka kodwa sisesona sifo esihlaselayo nesithi sibengumbulala zwe kwihlabathi liphela. Umbutho Wezizwe Wezempilo uqikelela ukuba ukusuka ngoku ukuya kumnyaka ka 2020 malunga nama 36 ezigidi zabantu zobe zifile zibulawa sesi sifo sephepha ukuba asibonelwa cebo. I-TB eqhelekileyo ixabisa malunga namakhulu amane eerandi onyango. Nenyangeka kwiinyanga ezintandathu ukanti le iyeyona isulelayo nelwana namachiza iMDR ixabisa malunga namawaka anga mashumi amabini ukunyanga olu hlobo leTB nenyangeka ukuya kwiinyanga ezilishumi elinesibhozo. UXolani Sonkqayi oneminyaka eyi-14 naye une TB enenkani iMDR   ukuzazi ngoSeptember womnyaka ophelileyo ukuba uphila nesifo sephepha uthi ngoku uyavuya kuba uzakuphila yaye uzimisele ekuthabatheni ipilisi zakhe nazifumana kwisibhedlele sesifuba eBrooklyn, de aphile.

THANDEKA: Iimpawu zesifo sephepha lukhohlokhohlo oluqhuba iiveki ezintathu, isifuba esitshisayo, ukwehla emzimbeni nokungafuni ukutya, ukubila nokudinwa ukanti nokukhohlela igazi. UXolani naye waye wanezinye zezimpawu

Translation: Symptoms of TB are a persistent cough over three weeks, chest pain, loss of appetite and weight, night sweats, feeling tired and weak and coughing up blood. Xolani had some of these symptoms and he rushed to his nearest clinic. He tells us how he got to know he had TB.

XOLANI: Ndaqala ngo September ka 2003 ndandikhohlela for five days ndahamba ndayokuzitshekisha kwathiwa phaya ekliniki yase Guguletu akubonwa nto.Ndaphinda ndaya ekhaya after 10 days kwafika umntu phaya ekhaya wathi kufumaniseke ukuba ndine TB kwathiwa ndizakuthunyelwa eBrooklyn Chest Hospital. Ndathunyelwa apha eBrooklyn Chest nalapha eBrooklyn Chest bathi bazakuqala bandijonge isikhohlela sam ukuba sinjani na ndakhohlela kwathiwa si-right isikhohlela sam kodwa kuthiwa ikhona i-TB ekhoyo.

Translation: I was diagnosed with TB in September 2003. I had a terrible cough for five days and I went to Guguletu Clinic, but they didn’€™t notice anything. After 10 days someone from the clinic came to my home and I was told that I had TB. I was taken to Brooklyn Chest Hospital and even there I was diagnosed with TB after they had taken sputum.

THANDEKA:Yi TB enjani? Uyayazi?

Translation: What kind of TB is it? Do you know?

XOLANI: Yi MDR. Yi TB ukuba awuyi treat(i) izakumosha.

Translation: It’€™s MDR the one that if you don’€™t treat it your TB will destroy you.

THANDEKA: Abantu abanesifo sephepha nabo babasengxakini yokujongelwa phantsi neyokunyenjwa yena uXolani uthi ayinto imnandi ukuba nesisifo kodwa uyayazi ukuba ufuna ukuphila kakuhle kufuneka achithe iinyanga ezingaphezulu kwezintandathu esibhedlele sesifuba eBrooklyn Chest eKapa. Okubalulekileyo kokokuba ukuba ufunyaniswe unesifo sephepha kufuneka uwagqibe amachiza akho khonukuze izokunyangeka.

 Translation: People with TB are faced with problems of stigma, fear and discrimination. Xolani understands that in order for him to be cured he has to spend more than six months in hospital. What is vital is that people should finish their course of treatment so that it doesn’€™t result in Multi-Drug Resistance.

XOLANI: Andi feel(i) alright   ngalento yokuba ndine TB kodwa ndiziva ndisithi ndizakuyi treat(a) iTB yam iphele ndakugqiba ndikwazi ukuba ndiyokubona abantu basekhaya. Akukho nto kumnandi phaya eBrooklyn Chest sikhathalelwe zii nurse yonke into i-right.

Translation: The fact that I’€™m having TB doesn’€™t make me feel alright but I will treat it so that I can go back home to my family. Nevertheless we are happy at the Brooklyn Chest Hospital and the nurses are good to us.

THANDEKA: Ekhaya bakuthathe njani ke ngoku ke emveni kokuba bekwazile ke ngoku   ukuba uphila nesifo sephepha iTB?

Translation: Now that you have been diagnosed with TB, how are they treating you at home?

XOLANI: Njengokuba besenditshilo ukuba kwafika lamntu abantu basekhaya akhange babe na worry ukhona lamntu lo usekliniki lo wathi kum ndizakuya esibhedlele. Umama wam uye wothuka okokuqala ngokubesithi ndine TB.

Translation: When the person was sent from the clinic to inform my family that I had TB my family accepted it. My mother was shocked the first time when she heard the news.

THANDEKA: Kuthiwa uzokuhlala ixesha elingakanani?

Translation: How long are you going to stay at he hospital?

XOLANI: Umamam befikile nge 21 zika January ezokundijonga ukuba ndingagoduka na for esikolweni eGugulethu kuba ndiza kufunda ku Gradae 8 next year ndiya eHigh School kwathiwa ah, ah andinokukwazi ukuphuma into abazokuyenza bazakundikhupha ngo August.

Translation: On the 21 of January, my mom came to the hospital and she wanted to know whether I could go home. Because next year I’€™m supposed to go to Grade 8 at High School but she was told that I’€™ll only come out in August.

THANDEKA: Abanye abantwana abangangawe nangaphantsi bayithatha njani into yokuba kufuneka betye ezipilisi zesifo sephepha rhoqo ngemini?

Translation:   How do other children deal with the fact that they have to take medicines every day?

XOLANI: Bakhona abangafuniyo ukuyi treat(a) iTB yabo bafihle iipilisi. Mna ndiveske ndibaxelele qha ukuba sanukufihla iipilisi. Bamane bexelela mna ukuba bafuna ukugoduka ndibaxelele mna ukuba ukuba bafuna ukugoduka kufuneka sanukufihlana neepilisi yityani itreatment yenu nigqibe nakugqiba nikwazi ukugoduka niyokubona abazali benu.

Translation:   There are those who refuse to treat their TB and they hide away their tablets. I tell them not to hide their tablets. They kept on telling me that they want to go home. I tell them straight away that if they want to go home they should first finish their treatment so that they can go home and be with their families.

THANDEKA:Uyayazi mos ukuba isifo sephepha siyanyangeka. Ungathini kwabanye abantwana aba uthi bafihla iipilisi okanye abantu abadala uyakufumanisa ukuba nabantu abadala abafuni ukuzitya ezipilisi zeTB.

Translation: You know that TB can be cured. What word of advice can you give to other children and adults who cheat on their TB treatment.

XOLANI: Ewe, unyanisile abantu abadala abafuni ukuzitya goba xa ndiphuma phandle mhlawumbi sithunywe zii nurse sibona iipilisi zigcwele ngapha kwee festile. Bakhona abanye abalapha bathi apha kum ezi pilisi ziyakrakra. Ndiyabacebisa qho ukuba mabazitye iipilisi zabo kuba mna ndiyazitya iipilisi zam ndizigqibe.

Translation: Yes, it’€™s true that old people too they don’€™t want to take their treatment because sometimes when we are sent by nurses to do something outside we see tablets lying around outside the window. There are those who claim that these tablets are bitter. I always beg them to take their treatment because me, too I strictly adhere to my treatment programame.

E-mail Thandeka Teyise


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